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How to Use the Lead Profile Feature
How to Use the Lead Profile Feature

This article aims to help real estate agents learn how to use the Lead Profile feature on Mashvisor

Adam Williams avatar
Written by Adam Williams
Updated over a week ago

Mashvisor's Lead Profile feature allows real estate agents to get a quick BPA (Behavioral Predictive Analysis) of their leads in order to know which of their leads are most likely to become their clients and are most serious about making an investment or purchasing a property.

Real estate agents can use this feature to greatly reduce the amount of time needed to cherry-pick their leads or determine the leads that are most likely to become clients and who are serious about investing in real estate or purchasing a property.

The AI that we have developed achieves this by analyzing behavioral patterns based on the large amount of data that we gather from numerous sources, and it will detect certain financial, social, and behavioral patterns that indicate the lead's seriousness for purchasing a property. The AI will then rate each lead depending on their likeliness to purchase, allowing real estate agents to only pick leads that are guaranteed to make a purchase and become clients.

Click on the button below to learn more about our data methodology and how the leads are rated by our AI.

Before Using This Feature

When you first create your Agent account with Mashvisor, you will be required to fill out some necessary information in order to unlock the full potential of the Lead Profile feature.

When you visit the dashboard, you will notice a red notification sign next to your Profile Settings in the top right corner of the screen:

This sign means that you have unfinished steps or sections that need to be filled.
Click on the icon to learn about the sections that need to be filled:

As you can see in these images, there are two main sections that need to be filled out:

  • Complete your profile

  • Complete your Lead Profile

Completing your profile should be a very simple step. Your profile will contain your personal info, as well as some info that will help us provide you with more accurate data and analytics.
Also, we highly recommend uploading your profile picture, as this picture will be included in any property reports that you send out to your leads.

Additionally, your Lead Profile needs to be completed in order for us to provide you with accurate and useful results.

On the Lead Profile page, you will be able to see how much of your profile has been filled and how much still needs to be filled:

This allows you to easily fill out this section step by step without facing any complications.

How to Use This Feature

To start off, hover over your profile settings on the top right corner of the screen, then click on My Leads:

The first thing that you will want to do on this page is to upload your CRM, which is an Excel Sheet containing a list of your leads.

You can use our sample template and fill it out with your leads before uploading it, or you can use your own template.

Using our template is advised as it contains the necessary fields for our analytics to give you the most accurate results.

You can download the sample template by clicking on the "download a sample file":

The template you download will look like this:

The fields that are required here are the following:

  • Lead's First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone Number

  • City

  • State

  • Zip Code (Lead's residence)

  • Home Address (Street Address)

  • Financing Status (Cash / Mortgage)

  • Mortgage Type (Adjusted / Fixed Interest)

  • Budget for Property (what's the lead's available budget for purchasing a property?) - Example: $20,000 - $100,000

  • Down Payment Amount (what's the amount of down payment that the lead has available?) - Example: $50,000

  • Source (where did you find the lead?)

After filling out this information, you can then upload your file to the Lead Profile page:

You will also be able to upload your leads individually by filling this form:

Finally, if you're using your own CSV file with a different format than the one we use, you can modify each column to match your CSV format as showcased in this screenshot:

So, for example, if the first column in your CSV format contains the first name of the lead, you should select "first name" as the first column:

After a short while, your leads will appear in the List of Leads section of the page:

The first thing you will notice is that each lead is rated based on the probability of them purchasing a property. The four ratings that you will see are:

  • High (Green) - The lead is most likely to purchase a property.

  • Medium (Yellow) - The lead will probably purchase a property.

  • Low (Red) - The lead is unlikely to purchase a property.

  • Unknown (Grey) - We do not have enough data to analyze this lead.

  • Processing (Grey) - This lead is still being analyzed.

Note: Once you upload your list of leads (CRM), it will take anywhere between a few minutes and up to 3 business days for us to analyze the data and provide you with the status of each lead.

On this page, you will also have the option to filter your leads based on their likelihood to purchase by clicking on the filter:

Once you've communicated with the lead, you can help us perfect our data and get more accurate results by telling us whether our predictions were right or wrong.

To do that, click on the "Was this prediction helpful?" button for the lead that you've communicated or worked with:

If you click Yes, we'll know that our analytics were accurate for this lead.

If you click No, you will get the option to choose the lead's actual likelihood for purchasing based on your communication with them, and you will be able to provide us with additional feedback to help us improve our data and predictions:

Note: Providing us with feedback on the accuracy of our analytics can significantly improve our data accuracy and help our AI learn and enhance its analysis in order to provide you with more accurate and reliable results.

Additional Options & Features

Clicking on any lead will open up that lead's profile, giving you access to additional options and features that allow you to get even more accurate results and facilitate the process of connecting with that lead and serving them as clients:

  • Purchase Criteria

  • Define Lead

  • Property Finder

The first tab that you will want to look at is the Purchase Criteria tab:

On this tab, you will be able to fill out some additional info about the lead that will help us provide you with property listings that match the lead's investment goals and strategy (in the Property Finder tab).

The fields that are included here are:

  • Financing Status (Example: Pre-approved for a mortgage)

  • Property Type (Example: Single-family home, Condo...etc)

  • Cities/Areas Interested In (Example: Chicago, Madison...etc)

  • Purchase Time-Frame (When are they looking to purchase?)

  • Budget (What's their available budget for investing?)

  • Expected ROI (What's the Return on Investment that they are expecting to achieve?)

After filling out this section, you can move on to the next section - Define Lead:

This section is slightly similar to the previous section, and it will also help us analyze the lead to give you the most accurate assessment of the lead as well as to help us suggest the most suitable properties for that lead to invest in.

You will be required to fill at least 5 out of 8 fields in this section.

The final section of the Lead Profile is the Property Finder.

The Property Finder is one of Mashvisor's features which utilizes our AI with machine learning capabilities in order to provide real estate investors with suggestions for investment properties that are most suitable for them based on a wide range of criteria, including the investor's interests, investment goals, and strategies.

The Property Finder tab on the Lead Profile allows you to see the properties that Mashvisor is suggesting for that lead based on the data that we have for them, including all the data and info that you provide in the Purchase Criteria and the Define Lead sections of the profile.

This section is very valuable as it will allow you to easily find properties that are most suitable for each lead, complete with their analytics and stats, and to share each property's customized easy-to-read PDF report with the lead, which can save you a lot of time and effort and allow you to work with your leads more efficiently in order to provide them with top quality services.

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