When you're on the search results page, on either the city or neighborhood level results, you can click on a neighborhood's name to open up a new tab showing you the data and analytics for that neighborhood.
Neighborhood Analytics
On the neighborhood analytics page, you will be able to see all the data and stats related to that neighborhood.
Neighborhood Stats
Starting from the top side of the screen, you will be able to quickly view all the stats and averages of the neighborhood that you chose. These stats include the following:
Mashmeter Score
Median Price
Price/Square Foot (If available)
Cash on Cash Return (Traditional & Airbnb)
Rental Income (Traditional & Airbnb)
Number of properties (Investment, traditional, and Airbnb)
Airbnb Occupancy Rate
Optimal Strategy (Traditional OR Airbnb)
Walk Score (If available)
Rent Analysis
The graphs at the top of the page should provide meaningful insights into the neighborhood. The Rental Property Types graphs indicates just that - what type of properties are currently rented short-term or long-term, based on the tab you selected to view.
Occupancy Rate by Rental Size and Rental Size Distribution graphs should be considered together - they inform you about the current market and potential demand. For example, if you see fewer 2-bedroom properties but they command higher occupancy - that may mean that this neighborhood has an unmet demand for this type of property. The Occupancy Rate and Rental Income tables inform you about median and top-achieving properties in this neighborhood.
The table below is a list of properties in that neighborhood and their rental income. This table will show the historical rental income for each property in the neighborhood, for the rolling 12 months.
Rental and occupancy rate tables allow you to interact with the data and check both per property type for this area.
In addition to all the tools and features that exist on the Neighborhood Analytics page, you can also download/export a full Excel Sheet report for any neighborhood, which will include all the properties in that neighborhood and their stats to allow for an easy comparison using an Excel Sheet format.